Pear To Pear
Keet is a peer to peer video chat room that is available on:
• App Store
• Google Play
• Linux
• Mac
• Windows
It uses technology similar to BitTorrent, but you make video calls instead of downloading music, free and open source software, and movies that are in the public domain. If you have ever used BitTorrent, I'm sure these are the things you have used Bittorrent for.😉 You can use Keet for:
• Video Chat
• Voice Phone Calls
• An Online Chat Room
• Sending Files Between Devices
Since we are in the very early days, not too many people know about it, but I prefer this because the sound quality and speed are superior to most corporate alternatives. If you've ever tried sending a large file through the InterTubes, you'll know this can be a sucky experience. Even if you run your own cloud like NextCloud, it's an inefficient. You upload your large file to the Nextcloud instance which is basically another computer. Then you download the file to the compter you really want it on. In this case, your Nextcloud acts like a middle man. This man in the middle architecture used to transfer large files is inefficient.
**note: This was originally published on my Ghost blog. It may not work on all nostr clients.
Jeff Swann told me about this new technology a couple years ago. He told me how he used Keet lo transfer files. I heard what he said, but I didn't quite understand how powerful this was until I tried it myself. I can send videos from my phone to my desktop computer within second just by using Keet rooms. This is a computer networking super power. I just can’t reiterate how much time this has saved me. It is something you need to experience for yourself. By the way, anyone who can download an app and install a program on their computer can do this. You don’t need to be a network administrator wizard or learn how to code.
If you would like to join my keet room, check out my nostr page or LinkedIn and I'll send you a link.
Keet Vs. Legacy Video Calling
Legacy chat rooms and video calling services require a server. The data is hosted on their server. This is inefficient and requires a ton of centralized infrastructure to handle the bandwidth. This infrastructure requires a lot of maintenance, marketing and other stuff. They have thousands of employees working for them to get your videos from point A- to point C- to point B. I’m sure these people do a wonderful job, but Keet is different.
Keet allows you to go from point-A to point-B. According to their website it is:
- Private & encrypted
- Has amazing video quality
• Allows you to instantly share huge files
That huge file sharing is awesome by the way—Even if you don’t really talk to that many people on it very often.
It is made by a peer-to-peer company named Holepunch. They have not yet open sourced it yet, but they say they have plans to do this on Guy Swann’s podcast. They also made something called pear-runtime. You can learn more about this at From what I understand, this is a new way to do computer networking. It basically makes it possible to host an app or website from your computer using one line of code. This allows you to create your own Intranet with the greatest of ease. I tried it one time using an application named HoleSail. I was able to access a website using a local IP address from a LAN outside of my home network. I didn't need to fiddle with the DNS or buy a domain name. I just installed the program on my computer, wrote one line of code, and copied the key to access the website.
Keet Is Brand New Technology.
I just want to mention this is on the bleeding cutting edge of technology. I am explaining this to the best of my ability, but it is beta software so what I say today may be totally different a year from now. It is also quite possible that I misunderstood some stuff and if that is the case then I apologize in advance. I find this technology interesting and think it opens us up to a new ways of using the Internet, but I don’t have a crystal ball. Do not confuse this as investment advice, but as far as I know, this is not even something you can invest in. You don’t even need to buy Keet. You just download it.
I don’t know much about the big corporate video calling companies, but I’m pretty sure they charge a fee for some of their services. Please don’t take my word for this, I have no idea how they work or what their fee structures are.
Here are the sources where I have learned about these things:
Hat tip to Jeff Swan who taught me how Keet worked and to his brother Guy Swann for making all these great podcasts about it.
• Interview with SuperSu
• The Pear Report Episode: 2
• Bitcoin Audible: Keet AMA - Twitter Spaces on January 30th
• The Pear Report: Updates From The Pear World
As Seen On TOR:
On The Clearnet: